Plate 1

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A Clansayesian (Uppermost Aptian) slumped reef boulders in the Arbailles block. Arrows indicate the southward (bottom) slumping direction; B: Westward prograding Clansayesian reefs (arrows) in the Lichançumendy block; C: The Lauriolle massif made up of Early Cretaceous diapiric breccias; D: The Néthé Massif made up of Palaeozoic and Permo-Triassic sediments in the northern part of the Arbailles block; E: The Igountze Massif showing here a Palaeozoic bedrock and its cover made up of Permo-Triassic sandstones and Cretaceous (Clansayesian-Lower Albian) limestones. F: In the southern part of the Mauléon Basin (Axial Zone = High Primary Range) the Upper Cretaceous limestones overlie unconformably the Palaeozoic schists.
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