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Fig. 1


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A. Geological map of the Armorican Massif with location of the different Sb-Au mineralization types. The eastern parts of both the Central Armorican Domain (CAD) and the Cadomian northern domain suffered important basic magmatism attested by numerous dolerite dyke swarms and sills (in green) at ca. 360 Ma (Pochon et al., 2016b). A high-density network of kilometre-scale NNW-SSE-trending vertical faults affects the CAD to the south of Rennes city. NASZ: North Armorican Shear Zone; SASZ.n,.s: South Armorican Shear Zone, northern and southern branches respectively; Champt: Champtoceaux metamorphic complex; PR, L, P: Pontivy-Rostrenen, Lizio and Le Pertre granites respectively; SADC: Saint-Aubin-Des-Châteaux (red star). B. Age compilation of Sb-Au mineralized systems through the Western European Variscan orogenic segments. Armorican Base metal VMS and U mineralization have also been reported. The deposits or districts are localized on 1A (name abbreviation). (1) Tartèse et al. (2015), (2) Pochon et al. (2018), (3) Chauris and Marcoux (1994), (4) Bouchot et al. (1997), (5) Marcoux and Fouquet (1980), (6) Pierrot et al. (1975), (7) Marcoux et al. (1984), (8) Lescuyer et al. (1997), (9) Ballouard et al. (2018a), (10) Charonnat (2000), (11) Bouchot et al. (2005), (12) Chauvet et al. (2012), (13) Couto et al. (1990), (14) Neiva et al. (2008), (15) Hall et al. (1997), (16) Pochon et al. (2016b), (17) Augier et al. (2015), (18) Capdevila (2010), (19) Ballouard et al. (2018b).

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