Fig. 3
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Lateral views of four species of Silurian myodocopes from the North Nuratau Ridge, Uzbekistan (A–D), France (E–H), the UK (I–L), Poland (M–P) and the Czech Republic (Q–T). A, E, I, M, Q: Richteria migrans: A: left valve (OUMNH CY.00066); E: left valve (FSL 705029a); I: right valve, image reversed (OUMNH 35481); M: left valve (ZPAL O.63/6); Q: left valve (FSL 705002a). B, F, J, N, R: Parabolbozoe bohemica: B: left valve, image reversed (OUMNH CY.00074); F: right valve (FSL 710420); J: left valve, image reversed (OUMNH 35087); N: right valve (ZPAL O.63/5); R: left valve, image reversed (FSL 710759). C, G, K, O, S: Bolbozoe anomala: C: right valve (OUMNH CY.00070); G: right valve (FSL 710595); K: right valve (OUMNH 35467); O: left valve, image reversed (ZPAL O.63/24); S: right valve (NM-L 23572, lectotype). D, H, L, P, T: Silurocypridina calva: D: right valve of a carapace (OUMNH CY.00076); H: left valve, image reversed (FSL 710652); L: right valve (OUMNH 35382); P: right valve (ZPAL O.63/11); T: left valve, image reversed (FSL 710772). All images are photographs except E and Q which are SEM images. A, F–N, R, T: silicone casts; B–E, O–Q, S: internal moulds. All scale bars: 500 µm.
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