Fig. 5

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Photographs of outcrops illustrating some typical facies observed in the Priabonian deposits of the Guzargues basin. A: Facies Gu with carbonate clast alignment underlining tenuous cross-beddings. Note scours at the base of the channel (arrows). B: Facies Gt showing progressive transition between (base) unsorted, highly heterometric massive, stratified conglomerates, and (top) weakly sorted, cross-bedded conglomerates. C: Alternations between (Sst) cross-stratified sandstones with lenses of scattered subrounded gravels and pebbles, and (Gm) matrix-rich, graded, stratified conglomerates with weakly sorted pebbles mainly made of Mesozoic carbonates. D: Reddish to yellowish laminated silty claystones (facies Fm) with intercalation of a decimetric layer of massive fine-grained sandstones (facies Sr). E: Medium- to coarse-grained cross-bedded sandstones typical of facies Sp. F: 50 cm-thick carbonated horizon showing well-preserved, vertical root casts, probably derived from vegetalization on top of massive fine-grained sandstones (Sr). Note the occurrence of several pedogenetic carbonate nodules above the irregular top surface of the carbonated sandy horizon.
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