Fig. 10
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(a) Geological map of the Feuilla half-window showing the map trace of sections bb’, gg’, hh’ and ii’ and location of the field views in Figures 10b and 11a, b. Folds are identified by a number, 1: Pied-du-Poul TF footwall growth syncline; 2: Valdria syncline; 3: Valdria anticline; 4: Feuilla anticline; 5: Feuilla syncline; 6: Mezerac TF (Treilles Fault) footwall growth syncline; 7: Plat du Castel TF footwall growth syncline; 8: Terre Noires syncline; 9: Terres Noires anticline; 10: Montolier de Perellos sycnline. (b) Uninterpreted and interpreted SW field view of the Feuilla half-window showing the rotation of the Jurassic strata of the DNCO above and below the subhorizontal Treilles normal fault. In the foreground is the footwall of the fault with the Valdria inverted common limb visible in the upper Aalenian-Kimmeridgian units (right corner of the view). In the background is the Treilles fault hanging wall where the downward truncation of strata in faulted blocks can be seen.
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