Fig. 6


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(a) Top: present day aa’ cross-section oriented NE-SW (map trace on Fig. 5) showing the DNCO detached above the Mouthoumet massif and cut by the Treilles normal fault. Bottom: restoration of the aa’ cross-section to end Jurassic showing the Jurassic displacement on the Treilles Fault recorded in stratigraphic thickness changes across the fault. Stratigraphic columns 8 to 12 of Figure 4 are represented on both sections. This thinskin fault is triggered by basement extension below salt during the Jurassic. (b) The NE-SE oriented bb’ cross-section in the immediate footwall of the Treilles fault showing the Pied-du-Poul growth footwall syncline. (c) Interpreted Google Earth view of the Boutine Jurassic growth strata, that we interpret as an inverted rollover anticline developped in the Treilles Fault hanging wall. (d) Field view to the SE of the upper Aalenian-Tithonian Boutine inverted rollover with interpretation below. (e) Field view toward the SE of the Treilles Fault showing the relationship between its hanging wall and footwall.

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