Fig. 6


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Mapping of continental elements including stable cratons (Gondwana/Reguibat, Baltica, Laurentia) and Gondwanan terranes (Avalonia, Armorica, Adria) accreted during assembly of Gondwana (closure of Iapetus) and Pangea (closure of Rheic) leading to Caledonian and Variscan orogenies. AR: Ardennes; RM: Rhenish Massif; HZ: Harz Massif; RG: Rhine Graben; MGF: Moray Firth Graben; VK: Viking Graben; MC: Massif Central; WCG: West Central Graben; L.: Lizard Ophiolites; BM: Brabant Massif; GSB: Galicia-South Brittany Ocean. Although being another peri-Gondwanan terranes, ADRIA is distinguished north of Gondwana for its role as indentor for the Alpine orogeny. Late Variscan right-lateral shear zones formed during transition towards opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean are also indicated.

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