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Fig. 16


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Geochronological and tectono-metamorphic interpretations for the Pelvoux Massif. (a) P-T-t path of sample MCE338 inferred from the mineral assemblage and mineral compositions and from textural features of monazite. (b) P-T-t path of sample MCE339v inferred from the mineral assemblage and biotite composition and from textural features of monazite. (c) P-T-t conditions from the Pelvoux Massif. P-T-t paths of the Cortical Pelvoux are from this study. P-T data from metabasites of the Inner Pelvoux are from Jacob et al. (2022) and Grandjean et al. (1996). P-T conditions of Crd-migmatites are theoretical and age corresponds to monazite age of sample MCE314 from this study. (d) Geochronological results constraining the ages of D1, D2 and D3 from this study, (Fréville et al., 2018; Fréville, 2016). (e) Inferred tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the Cortical and Inner Pelvoux.

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