Open Access

Table 4

Summary of tectonic and metamorphic events recorded in the Belledonne-Pelvoux area.

Event Belledonne SW Cortical Pelvoux Inner Pelvoux
D3 Structure Low angle S3 +/ mylonitc Horizontal axis F3 fold and a-Type F3 fold Top to NE shearing Low angle S3 +/ mylonitic Horizontal axis F3 fold
P-T Retrograde amphibolite facies 0.45–0.35 GPa–450–50 °C High-T migmatite Cordierite bearing migmatite
Age ca. 306–298 Ma ca. 306–298 Ma?
D2 Structure High angle S2 N030E Upright fold NE-SW axis NE-SW L2 High angle S2 N030E High angle C2 N-S High angle C'2 N150E Folded S2, Horizontal axis High angle S2 N030E Upright fold NE-SW axis High angle C2 N-S High angle C'2 N150E NS to NE-SW L2
P-T Sill + melt Low-T migmatite Low-T migmatite
Age ca. 330–310 Ma Freville et al., 2018 ca. 330–298 Ma ca. 330–298 Ma
D1 Structure Low angle S1 Recumbent fold to the east E-W L1 Mark the lithological limits low angle S1–3 Mostly erased Relictual S1 in F2 fold hinge
P-T Amphibolite facies Grt-Bt + melt 0.6–0.8 GPa–600–630 °C Amphibolite facies? + melt No evidence
Age 339 ± 5 Ma ca. 350–330 Ma ca. 340–330 Ma? (HP stage, Jacob et al., in review)

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