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Fig. 10


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Histograms and Kernel Density Estimates (plotted with an adaptive bandwidth) showing the U–Pb date distribution of older-than-Lower Cambrian zircon grains, rims, and cores from the Cézarenque–Joyeuse gneisses. Only concordant 206Pb/238U dates (if <1.2 Ga) and concordant to slightly discordant (“206Pb/238U date”/“207Pb/206Pb date” >92%, if >1.2 Ga) were considered. The data are compared to the U– Pb date distribution of Ediacaran metasediments from the Cévennes parautochthon of the eastern Massif Central, also represented as Kernel Density Estimates (Chelle-Michou et al., 2017: Couzinié et al., 2019).

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