Fig. 4
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Representative photographs of the Cézarenque–Joyeuse gneisses and their relationships with adjacent lithologies: (a) augen gneiss with a well-developed foliation, cm-sized lenticular quartz-feldspar aggregates and bluish quartz grains (44.3884°N, 4.0876°E); (b) poorly-foliated augen gneiss facies with euhedral K-feldspar and blue quartz phenocrysts embedded in a finer-grained matrix (44.3935°N, 4.0787°E); (c) augen gneiss, dated sample 18CEZ01 (44.5130°N, 4.2134°E); (d) isoclinally folded albite gneiss (44.5023°N, 4.1224°E); (e) fine-grained tourmaline-bearing leucogneiss, dated sample 19CEZ54 (44.5103°N, 4.2107°E); (f) oblique contact between a leucogneiss and the S0-1 foliation of the augen gneiss, interpreted as former intrusive relationships (44.5124°N, 4.2135°E); (g) concordant contact between the S0-1 foliation of the augen gneisses and the overlying “Peyremale” quartzite (44.3526°N, 4.0676°E); (h) asymmetric folds in schists, interpreted as evidence for local top-to-the-NW shearing at the gneiss–schist contact (44.4750°N, 4.1309°E).
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