Open Access

Table 1

Nomenclature of all calcite and serpentine phases.

Name Textural characteristics Sample
   C1 Sparitic calcite pervasively replacing some serpentine A1*
   C1’ Massive vein of calcite with sparitic grains of calcite B1*
   C1” Calcite present in the matrix replacing some serpentine D1*
   C2 Sparitic calcite grains replacing serpentine B2*
   C2’ Calcite in the matrix of the breccia E1*
C3 Sparitic calcite next to or in the vein of massive serpentine (C3sparite) D1*
C4 Dendritic calcite surrounding sparitic calcite C3 D1*
   C5 Massive vein of calcite with sparitic grains of calcite associated to hematite C1*
   C5’ Veinlet of calcite which crosscuts all of sample E3* associated with hematite B1–2*
S0 Mesh of serpentine and bastites All samples
   S1 Massive serpentine pervasively replaced by calcite B1*
   S1’ Clasts of massive serpentine in a vein of calcite B2*
S2 Massive serpentine with dominant chrysotile which crosscuts all phases except C3 D1*

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