Plate 1
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Figs. A: Macetadiscus-miliolid-Pellet wackestone, A1: Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 45 and A2: Gahrou section, GH 62; Fig. B: Alveolina-pellet wackestone, Gahrou section, GH 63; Fig. C: Alveolina-bioclast-pellet wackestone/grainstone, Gahrou section, GH 72; Fig. D: Bioclast-intraclast packstone/grainstone, Gahrou section, GH 76; Fig. E: Gypsina-lump- bioclast grainstone, Gahrou section, GH 77; Fig. F: Hyaline foraminifera (Nummulites sp.) wackestone, Gahrou section, GH 25; Fig. G: Porcellaneous-hyaline-foraminifera- Pellet wackestone, Gahrou section, GH 58; Fig. H: Large hyaline foraminifera (Assilina sp.) wackestone/packstone, Gahrou section, GH 1; Fig. I: Large hyaline foraminifera [(Operculina cf. patalensis (Davies)] wackestone, Gahrou section, GH 5; Fig. J: Mudstone with miliolids, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 11; Fig. K: Dolostone or dolomitic limestone without fossils, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 26; Fig. L: Miliolid-Pellet wackestone, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 40; Fig. M: Macetadiscus-miliolid-Pellet wackestone, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 41; Fig. N: Intraclast packstone with gastropods fragments, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 19; Fig. O: Bioclastic grainstone, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 75; Fig. P: Hyaline-porcellaneous foraminifera wackestone, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 38; Fig. Q: Conical porcellaneous foraminifera-miliolid wackestone, Kuh-e- Soukhteh section, As 14; All scale bars = 1 mm, except A2 = 0.5 mm.
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