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Fig. 19


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The St-Paul de Fenouillet and Boucheville Sub-Basins and the intermediate Agly Massif. A: geological map showing the location of the Ansignan (Serre de Vergès), Roc de Lansac and Roquo Roujo tectono-karstic tertiary breccias. B: interpretative cross section of the Roc de Lansac and Roquo Roujo by Motus et al. (2022), a: Cretaceous syn-rift marine breccias. C: the same cross section interpreted by Canérot and Mediavilla (this work), a: continental tectono-karstic Tertiary breccias; b: Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous carbonates (tectonic slices). For location of the field photos, see Fig. 19A.

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