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(a) Compilation of geochronological data obtained on petrological markers of Middle to Late Devonian subduction in the French Massif Central. U-Pb zircon on calc-alkaline magmatism are from Bertrand et al. (2001), Pin and Paquette (2002) and this study; age of Brévenne magmatism is from Pin and Paquette (1997), recent ages U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd/Lu-Hf garnet ages obtained on eclogites are from Lotout et al. (2018, 2020) and de Hoÿm de Marien et al. (2023), UGU anatexis as dated by U-Th-Pb monazite chemical age is from Melleton et al. (2009) and the curve indicating the relative igneous activity is from Chopin et al. (2023) traced with data compiled by Vanderhaeghe et al. (2020). (b) Tentative snapshot of the geodynamic situation around 360 Ma for the Western French Massif Central, with emphasis on diorites-tonalites, eclogites and migmatitic rocks belonging to the UGU (see text for explanations).

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