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Fig. 10


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(a) location of the lower Oligocene Cyrènes Limestones and Marronnier Clay, with the name of the main sections (see Fig. 6 for the caption). (b) Alternations of lenticular gypsum beds (black arrrows) and micritic mudstones in facies Cr (Dog Head section); lens cap for scale. (c) Cracks filled up with gypsum in facies Cr (Dog Head section); lens cap for scale. (d) Deformed gypsum beds (facies Gyp) on top of tabular beds of matrix-supported bioclastic and intra-clastic limestones (facies Cb), Jean-Jean section; hammer for scale. (e) Gypsarenite with cross-laminations and wavy surfaces (facies Gyh), Jean-Jean section; hammer for scale. (f) Organic-rich mudstones with varying carbonate content (facies Fp), Jean-Jean section; top of Jacob staff (10 cm) for scale. (g) Beds of massive, pink limestone (facies Cm), Jean-Jean section; scale: 10 cm. (h) Discontinuous, subhorizontal laminations in bioclastic limestone (facies Ci), Murs Graben; hammer for scale.

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