Open Access

Table 2

Sedimentary facies associations and their interpretation. Reference for the interpretations: 1: Leeder (2016); 2: Renaut and Gierlowski-Kordesch (2010); 3: Bhattacharya (2010).

Name Facies Interpretation
Eocene-lowermost Oligocene (?) deposits − siliciclastic lake system
FA1 Gmm-Gmc-Gt Stream-flow dominated alluvial Fan1
FA2 Fmr-Spl-Spi Foreshore and upper shoreface of a coarse-grained, fluvial-dominated delta2,3
FA3 Smp-Sp-St-Fmp-L Lower delta plain, mouth bar and upper shoreface of a fluvial-dominated delta2
FA4 Fmr-Clm Upper shoreface of a siliciclastic lacustrine ramp margin2
FA5 Gym-Gyp-Fl Lower shoreface of a siliciclastic lacustrine ramp margin2
Lower Oligocene Cyrènes Limestones and Marronnier Clay − saline carbonate lake system
FA6 Ct-Ci High-energy carbonate-dominated lacustrine shore2
FA7 Cm-Fmcp Low-energy carbonate-dominated lacustrine shore2
FA8 Gyp-Gyh-Cr-Cm-Cl Lacustrine ramp margin with regular drying cycles of the lake2
FA9 Fl-Fp-Cb-Sp Lower shoreface of a lacustrine ramp margin2

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