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Evidence of a large igneous province at ca. 347–330 Ma along the northern Gondwana margin linked to the assembly of Pangea: Insights from U–Pb zircon geochronology and geochemistry of the South-Western Branch of the Variscan Belt (Morocco)

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The Cambrian Atlas – Ossa–Morena – North Armorican Rift, West Gondwana: along- and off-axis stratigraphic and volcano-tectonic patterns

J. Javier Álvaro, Teresa Sánchez-García and Josep Maria Casas
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 542 (1) 465 (2024)

Oroclinal arcs of the Variscan Belt: a consequence of transpression during the consolidation of Pangaea

José R. Martínez Catalán, Karel Schulmann, Puy Ayarza, Jean-Bernard Edel and Manuela Durán Oreja
Journal of the Geological Society 181 (5) (2024)

The Variscan belts of North-West Africa: An African legacy to the Wilson Cycle concept

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Petrography and geochemistry of the Moulay Bouazza granitoids (Moroccan Variscan Central Massif). Implications for their origin and geodynamic setting

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The Ordovician record of North and West Africa: unravelling sea-level variations, Gondwana tectonics, and the glacial impact

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Facies architecture, modal analysis and geochemistry of the Early Ediacaran turbiditic series in the Skoura inlier (Central High Atlas, Morocco): Implications for provenance and geotectonic setting.

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Ordovician stratigraphy and benthic community replacements in the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco

J. Javier Álvaro, Mohammed Benharref, Jacques Destombes, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco, Aaron W. Hunter, Bertrand Lefebvre, Peter van Roy and Samuel Zamora
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The Mid-Variscan Allochthon: Keys from correlation, partial retrodeformation and plate-tectonic reconstruction to unlock the geometry of a non-cylindrical belt

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Reconstructing environmental signals across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the SE Germanic Basin: A Quantitative Provenance Analysis (QPA) approach

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Geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of the Tiflet granitoids (Northwestern Moroccan Meseta): geological implications

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Systematics of detrital zircon U–Pb ages from Cambrian–Lower Devonian rocks of northern Morocco with implications for the northern Gondwanan passive margin

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Precambrian Research 365 106366 (2021)

The Ediacaran volcano-sedimentary succession in the Western Skoura inlier (Central High Atlas, Morocco): facies analysis, geochemistry, geochronology and geodynamic implications

Amar Karaoui, Christoph Breitkreuz, Brahim Karaoui, et al.
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110 (3) 889 (2021)

Transpressional structuring of the High Atlas belt, Morocco

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The Furongian break-up (rift/drift) unconformity in the central Anti-Atlas, Morocco

J. Javier Álvaro and Daniel Vizcaïno
Journal of Iberian Geology 44 (4) 567 (2018)

Unfolding the arc: The use of pre-orogenic constraints to assess the evolution of the Variscan belt in Western Europe

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Tectonophysics 736 47 (2018)

The Tuareg shield terranes revisited and extended towards the northern Gondwana margin: Magnetic and gravimetric constraints

Sonia Brahimi, Jean-Paul Liégeois, Jean-François Ghienne, Marc Munschy and Amar Bourmatte
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Unraveling a distal segment of the West African Craton Paleozoic margin: Stratigraphy of the Mougueur inlier of the eastern High Atlas, Morocco

Hassan Ouanaimi, Abderrahmane Soulaimani, Lahssen Baidder, Abderrazzak Eddebbi and Christian Hoepffner
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 350 (6) 289 (2018)

The Anti-Atlas Pan-African Belt (Morocco): Overview and pending questions

Abderrahmane Soulaimani, Hassan Ouanaimi, Omar Saddiqi, Lahssen Baidder and André Michard
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 350 (6) 279 (2018)

The impact of the end-Ordovician glaciation on sediment routing systems: A case study from the Meseta (northern Morocco)

J.-F. Ghienne, A. Benvenuti, M. El Houicha, et al.
Gondwana Research 63 169 (2018)

Review of the Cambrian volcanic activity in Morocco: geochemical fingerprints and geotectonic implications for the rifting of West Gondwana

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International Journal of Earth Sciences 107 (6) 2101 (2018)

A missing link in the peri-Gondwanan terrane collage: the Precambrian basement of the Moroccan Meseta and its lower Paleozoic cover

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Recycling of the Proterozoic crystalline basement in the Coastal Block (Moroccan Meseta): New insights for understanding the geodynamic evolution of the northern peri-Gondwanan realm

Mohamed El Houicha, Manuel Francisco Pereira, Abdellatif Jouhari, et al.
Precambrian Research 306 129 (2018)

Early Palaeozoic geodynamics in NW Gondwana

J. Javier Álvaro, Josep Maria Casas, Sébastien Clausen and Cecilio Quesada
Journal of Iberian Geology 44 (4) 551 (2018)

Middle to late Cambrian shallow marine trace fossils from the Imfout Syncline (Western Meseta, Morocco): Palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance in NW-Gondwana

Mostafa Oukassou, Abdelouahed Lagnaoui, Mohammed Raji, André Michard and Omar Saddiqi
Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 492 (2017)