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Fig. 6


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Illustrated results of extensive field works in autumn 1927 in the Kaali lake area by Reinwald (1928; A – plate 3:1; B and C – pl. 4, sections S-S and A-B, respectively; see Fig. 6D) and Kraus et al. (1928, fig. 9; D). A. The impact-altered dolomite rock from the borehole core in the bottom of a small crater no. 4 (of 20 m diameter), as a crude slab (right specimen) and its polished fragment (left specimen). B-C. Profile of excavated rim wall (A) and cross-section of the crater no. 4. Note a supposed funnel of meteorite strike at the bottom of a crater (grey arrow; see Fisher, 1936, p. 299). D. Interpretative cross-section of main Kaali crater showing an alleged scale of the surface transformation by meteorite strike and resulting explosion (A – digs, 1–7 refer to tilted layer numbers).

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