Fig. 5


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Field views of platform-top facies at Llopis Farm locality, Sierra de Mariola: (a, b) vertical sections showing: a: rudist floatstone; and b: loose cluster of indeterminate elevator rudists preserved in upright life position; c: burrowed top of bed; (d-f) bed-top views of more internal platform-top beds, showing: d: nerineoid (probably nerinellid) (ne) and itieriid (it) gastropods (see Kollmann, 2014); e: small coral (co) and rudist (ru) debris; and f: fragment of small caprinid rudist, showing single row of simple marginal canals (arrowed), probably Caprina douvillei Paquier, 1905, left valve (see text for discussion). All scale bars = 10 mm.

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