Fig. 3
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Plot of δD versus δl8O of brines (blue dots: gypsum crystallization waters; pink dots: polyhalite crystallization waters). The ellipse is displaying the field of syngenetic brines from the Kłodawa salt mine (for details see Dulinski et al., 2014). Other elements displayed are: Permian ocean water isotopic composition similar with the present one, Knauth and Beeunas (1986); the present Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL); the mean δl8O value of the present day precipitation (red circle); the pre-Holocene meteoric water line showing a similar slope to the present day but with δl8O mean values with c. 3‰ lower; LMWL data according to the IAEA database for the Klagenfurt airport station (IAEA database, 2010), the red point from the LMWL represents the mean value.
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