Fig. 4
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Detailed geological map of the Urdach massif (Corre, 2017) and corresponding geological cross-section ab. Location of the studied samples. Stereonets A1, A2, B and C show the orientation of shear zones separating tectonic lenses in the lenticular layer of the Urdach mantle (dots are striae trends). Stereonet D shows the orientation of shear zones and striae in the felsic mylonites of hill 488 (Asti et al., 2019). Stereonet E shows the orientation of normal faults and associated striae in the “ball trap” section (Urdach cover décollement) (see faults on Fig. 10).
Carte détaillée du massif d’Urdach (Corre, 2017) et coupe ab. Stéréogrammes A1, A2, B, C et D repérés sur la carte.
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