Fig. 8

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Ophicalcites at Col d’Urdach and at Bilatre. Field and microscopic aspect. A. Undeformed ophicalcites on the floor of the Col d’Urdach quarry. B. Slightly carbonated mantle lherzolite at the Col d’Urdach “ball trap” section. Note the mesh texture (cpx.: clinopyroxene; serp.: serpentine; calc.: calcite). C. Calcite veining in ophicalcite sample URD1 from the Urdach quarry. D. Alternating carbonated and carbonate-free layers of serpentinized mantle (Bilatre quarry). E. Multidirectional network of calcite veins (Bilatre quarry). F. Albitite dike (arrows) at the Bilatre quarry in 2007. This outcrops does not exist anymore due to oversampling.
Les ophicalcites du Col d’Urdach et de Bilatre (vues de terrain et aspects microscopiques).
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