Fig. 6
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Form-surface maps of selected outcrops in Val du Haut Boréon mapped at 1/100 scale (locations in Fig 5). 5. Legend: 1: leuco-anatexites; 2: white mica-bearing granitic dykes; 3: melanocratic spessartites; 4: mingled appinites and leuco-appinites; 5: comb layered appinites; 6: spessartites; 7: leucocratic veins; 8: trajectory, dip direction, and dip of S1+2 foliation; 9: dip direction and dip of D3 axial plane; 10: dip direction and dip of lamprophyre dyke walls, trend and plunge of amphibole phenocrysts in comb layers; 11: trajectory, dip direction and dip of D4 mylonitic to stylolitic foliation. Scale bars, north arrows, and geo-referenced points are assigned to each outcrop (projected coordinate system: WGS 84-UTM 32N).
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