Fig. 2
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Field photographs from site 1: (1) succession of clastic layers at site 1. Four layer types can be distinguished (see text for complete description). The dominant Layer A corresponds to light grey, coarse sandstones. Layer B corresponds to dark-brown layers of ultramafic breccias and microbreccias composed of dominant angular clasts of serpentinized lherzolite in an ultramafic sandy matrix. Layer C is represented by breccias and sandstones made of dominant ultramafic and minor cm-sized clasts of Triassic meta-ophite. Layer D is a coarse breccia composed of cm- to dm-sized angular clasts of ultramafic rock, white microbreccias, Triassic to Lower Jurassic meta-ophites and “micaceous hornfels”; (2) sharp contact between Layer B ultramafic breccias (left) and light-grey Layer A sandstones (right); (3) close-up of gradded-bedding observed in Layer B microbreccias; (4) detail view of Layer D breccia.
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