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Fig. 3


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Field photographs from site 2: (1) photograph of the contact zone between the mantle peridotites and the Lherz breccias at site 2 and location of the sapphirine-bearing rocks sampling site (red star). White dotted lines underline the progressive transition existing between the Lherz body and the Lherz marble breccias. Around white dotted line n° 1, a progressive transition from the sapphirine-bearing rocks to the pure marble breccias and microbreccias was observed; (2) detailed view of the sampling site 2 and location of close up photographs 3 and 4 shown below; (3) detailed view of the left side of exposure. It consists of a pale-green to light-grey microbreccia showing a rough bedding with layers of thin-grained sandstones dipping to the south-east (dashed lines). The microbreccia contains numerous cm-sized angular clasts of variable lithologies including “micaceous hornfels” and poorly serpentinized lherzolite (white outlines, determined on thin-sections); (4) detailed view of the right side of exposure. Sandstones include numerous cm-sized angular clasts of variable compositions (white outlines). One black clast of meta-ophite is observed macroscopically (bottom right side of photograph).

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