Fig. 3

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Photomicrographs of representative samples from the Najac and Laguépie units. Laguépie samples: (a) amphibole-plagioclase-ilmenite amphibolite LAG3b representing the dominant lithology of the Laguépie amphibolite (1,9558°E, 44,1485°N); (b) chlorite-epidote-albite shear band oblique to the main foliation and indicating a top to the north sense of shear (sample LAG3b); (c) garnet amphibolite AJAH08 with foliation molded around the garnet porphyroclast; (d) leucogneiss from sample AJAH08 showing a porphyroclastic augen texture. Note the C/S structure marked by chlorite formed after soldification and cooling of the leucotonalitic orthogneiss; (e) Representative texture of the Najac unit garnet-phengite micaschists (sample NJC12a; 1.9754°E, 44,2159°N). Note the pressure shadows filled with biotite and phengite around garnet indicating that the high pressure assemblage is syn-kinematic. Greenish chlorite partly replaces garnet and biotite in all samples; (f) large porphyroclastic snowball and skeletal garnet from sample NJC11 (1,9693°E; 44,2196°N), again showing that the high-pressure mineral assemblage developed during deformation.
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