Fig. 2


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A. Tectonic map of the Pyrenean– Bay of Biscay realm with the main structural features resulted from the Alpine orogeny and the presence of the main Mesozoic basins labelled in white: AM: Armorican Margin Basin, Ar-Ma: Arzaq-Mauleon Basin, As: Asturian Basin, BC: Basque – Cantabrian Basin s.s., BoB: Bay of Biscay Basin, Ca: Cameros Basin, Cb: Cabuerniga Basin, Po: Polientes Basin, Or: Organyà Bain, Ma: Maestrat Basin, Pa: Parentis Basin. Labelled in black Paleozoic Massifa: BM: Basque Massif, DE: Demanda Massif. Modified after Masini et al. (2014). B. Rift basin models described in the literature.

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