Table 1

AMS radiocarbon dates, depth and dated material of Autrecourt-et-Pourron section 3–6 as indicated in Figure 2. The shaded line was not considered in in the age model.

Autrecourt sample Depth cm Laboratory N° Dated material δ13C (‰) Age 14C yr B.P. without d13C correction Conventional Age 14C yr B.P. with d13C correction Calibrated age (cal yr B.P. 2σ) INTCAL13 (95.4%) Calibrated age (cal yr B.P. 2σ) INTCAL13 (68.2%) Calibrated age (cal yr B.C. 2σ) INTCAL 13 (95.4%)
2018-PR388-US333 210 Poz-106329 Waterlogged Eupatorium cannabinum seeds (174 fgt) 9090 ± 50 10 396–10 182 10 271–10 200 8447–8233
2012-PR148-US333a 215 Beta-326918 Waterlogged root −29.3 4750 ± 40 4680 ± 40 5577–5315 5467–5323 3628–3366
2018-PR115-10-US332 240 Poz-10386 Waterlogged Hippuris vulgaris (4) + Carex (1) seeds 10 160 ± 50 12 053–11 511 11 974–11 750 10 104–9562
2018-PR379-US331 255 Poz-106360 Waterlogged Thalictrum flavum seeds (20) 9890 ± 50 11 597–11 202 11 336–11 230 9648–9253
2018-PR371-US330a 270 Poz-106318 Waterlogged Thalictrum flavum seeds (20) 9900 ± 50 11 600–11 208 11 385–11 236 9651–9259
2018-PR367-US329 290 Poz-106317 Waterlogged Carex rostrata seeds (30) 9900 ± 50 11 600–11 208 11 385–11 236 9651–9259
2018-PR364-US328 305 Poz-106387 Waterlogged Carex seeds (20) 9990 ± 50 11 705–11 263 11 603–11 322 9756–9314
2012-PR147-US327 330 Beta-326917 Charred wooden twigs −28.2 10 030 ± 40 9980 ± 40 11 620–11 264 11 620–11 398 9671–9315
2017-PR354-US326 355 Beta-469433 Waterlogged Linum alpinum seeds (3) −26.0 9810 ± 50 9790 ± 50 11 287–11 126 11 242–11 191 9338–9177
2012-PR406-US326a 360 Beta-460229 Waterlogged wooden twigs −27.6 10 140 ± 30 11 998–11 626 11 941–11 715 10 049–9 977
2012-PR353-US303 400 Beta-460231 Waterlogged wooden twigs −27.9 10 310 ± 30 12 377–11 962 12 156–12 011 10 428–10 013

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