Table 2

Stratigraphy of the channel-fill sequence of Autrecourt (Section 3–6).

Stratigraphic units (SU) Description (field and grain-size) Thickness (in m.) Sedimentary interpretation (depositional setting)
336 Light-grey clay with hydromorphic features 0.85 Alluvial plain with overbank fines deposits and pedogenesis (humic horizon and redoxic soil) (FF: floodplain fines sensu Miall, 1996)
335 Grey clay
334 Dark-grey humic horizon
333 a Grey to greenish-grey clay
333 b Mottled light clay with sandy beds
332 Light-brown peat affected by desiccation cracks topward 0.3 Vegetated swamp deposits with Histosol development (3 soils) (CH-FF sensu Miall, 1996)
331 Dark-brown peat (reworked to the North-East direction) 0.22
330 a Light-brown peat 0.12
330 b Dark-grey clay (progressive transition with 330a)
329 a Brown silts, slightly organic (peat) and bioturbated 0.2 Vegetated swamp deposits (a) with overbank fines (b) and incipient soil (c) (CH-FF sensu Miall, 1996)
329 b Grey clayey silts
329 c Mottled clayey silts with root traces
328 a&b Light grey clayey silts with sandy beds 0.5 Backswamp to overbank deposits in a channelized area (CH-FF sensu Miall, 1996)
328 c Light grey clayey silts, slightly sandy
328 d Homogeneous yellowish sands
327 Grey sandy silts and with wood debris
326 a Homogeneous grey sandy silts
326 b Grey Sandy silts
341 Gravelly sands with calcareous granules 1 min Lateral accretion macroform and cross-bedded silty sands (Lateral accretion: LA; Sandy bedforms: SB sensu Miall, 1996)
339 Sandy gravels
301 Cross-bedded polygenic gravels with silty sand beds organized in fining upwards (Clast size: 2–50 mm, sub-rounded clasts, moderately sorted, openwork texture and normal grading)

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