Fig. 10
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Microphotographs showing the mineralogy of stage 3. (A) Macrocristalline quartz (Qz1) and highly sheared quartz (Qz2) crosscut by microcracks with fluid inclusions and bismuth minerals (Bi minerals) (Ferbert vein). (B) Relationships of sheared quartz (Qz1) with neoformed quartz (Qz2), crosscut by microcracks with bismuthinite (Bit) and electrum (El), (Ferbert vein). (C) Lollingite aggregates (Lo) highly fractured and cemented by hyaline quartz (Qz3) with bismuthinite (Bit) (La-Rode vein). (D) Same picture as (C) in transmitted, polarized light. (E) Lollingite (Lo) crosscut by an assemblage of native bismuth (Bi) and bismuthinite (Bit) (Androl vein). (F) back scattered electron image of the complex Bi-Te assemblage formed in stage 3. Native rounded shape bismuth (Bi) with bismuthinite (Bit) and tetrahedrite (Ttr), horobetsuite (Hor) in a hedleyite (Hed) crystal. Ox: unknown oxydes (Ferbert vein).
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