Fig. 16


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(A) Synthesis of the structural control and radiometric age compilation of orogenic gold ± antimony district, W-Sn and W-Bi-Au vein-type districts (Béziat et al., 1980; Bouchot et al., 2005; Harlaux et al., 2018). White boxes correspond to U-Pb dating on wolframite by TIMS method, from Harlaux et al. (2018). Black boxes correspond to Ar/Ar dating on muscovite from Monié et al. (1999, 2000). For the orogenic-gold deposits, le Châtelet dating (K/Ar on illites) is from Bouchot et al. (2005); from Nicaud (2001) for Saint-Yrieix district (K/Ar on illite); from Chauvet et al. (2012) for the Cévennes district (Ar/Ar on muscovite). District name abbreviations are the same as in Figure 1. Geological map modified after Chantraine et al. (1996). (B) The Bonnac hydrothermal event is replaced in the different geodynamic events of the Variscan orogen in the French Massif Central (Faure et al., 2009).

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