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Fig. 8


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Number of earthquakes and local magnitudes from 2010 to 2019. (a) Scatter plot of earthquake local magnitude (ML) as a function of time. Colored ticks correspond to earthquakes located within metropolitan France and not further than 20 km from the French borders and coastlines (“metropolitan EQs”). Color-scale is proportional to time. Black curve is the cumulative number of metropolitan EQs as a function of time. Grey ticks correspond to earthquakes located between 20 km and 200 km from the French borders and coastlines (“distant EQs”). Grey curve is the cumulative number of earthquakes including distant EQs as a function of time. (b) Histogram of the number of earthquakes per year. (c) Histogram of local magnitudes (ML). Black bars correspond to metropolitan EQs whereas grey bars include distant EQs.

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