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Table 1

List of the formations studied, with the location and age indicated, together with the references where the data come from. The papers corresponding specifically to Table 1 are listed at the end of the reference list (supplemental references).

No Formations Location (section/core) Age Redox status Sources
1 Kacak Beds Mech Irdane, Morocco Mid Devonian oxic Ellwood et al. (2011) Palaeo-3, 304(1-2), 74–84.
2 Kamura Fm Kamura, Japan Early Triassic oxic Zhang et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 519, 65–83.
3 Gerennavar Fm Balvany, Hungary Early Triassic oxic Schobben et al. (2017) Palaeo-3, 486, 74–85.
4 Dong Dang Fm Lung Cam, Vietnam Early Triassic oxic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Son et al. (2007) Palaeoworld 16(1-3), 51–66; Wardlaw et al. (2015) Micropaleont. 61(4), 313–334.
5 Modern sediments East Philippine Sea (WPD-03) Quaternary oxic Xiong et al. (2012) Chem. Geol. 334, 77–91.
6 Dalong-Luolou Fms Taiping, South China Early Triassic oxic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Krull et al. (2004) Palaeo-3, 204(3-4), 297–315; Luo et al. (2011) Palaeo-3, 299(1-2), 70–82.
7 Dalong-Luolou Fms Daxiakou, South China Early Triassic oxic-dysoxic Shen et al. (2012) Geology 40(11), 963–966; Shen et al. (2013) J. Asian Earth Sci 75, 95–109.
8 Hushpuckney Shale Kansas, USA (Ermal) Late Pennsylvanian dysoxic Hoffman et al. (1998), in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 243–269.
9 Modern sediments Black Sea (Unit 3) Holocene dysoxic-euxinic Algeo and Li (2020), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, in press.
10 Missourian Stage Iowa, USA (Logan) Late Pennsylvanian oxic-dysoxic Algeo (unpubl. data).
11 Pelagic PTB shales Gujo-Hachiman, Japan Early Triassic dysoxic Algeo et al. (2010) Geology 38(2), 187–190; Algeo et al. (2011) Palaeo-3, 308(1-2), 65–83.
12 Ursula Creek Ursula Creek, B.C., Canada Early Triassic dysoxic-euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Henderson (1997) Bull Can. Petrol. Geol. 45(4), 693–707; Wignall and Newton (2003) Palaios 18(2), 153–167.
13 Hanover-Dunkirk Shales New York, USA (West Valley) Late Devonian dysoxic-euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Murphy et al. (2000) Geology 28(5), 427–430; Sageman et al. (2003) Chem. Geol. 194(1-4) 229–273; Ver Straeten et al. (2011) Palaeo-3, 304(1-2), 54–73.
14 Sulphur Mtn Fm Opal Creek, Alberta, Canada Early Triassic euxinic Schoepfer et al. (2013) GPC 105, 21–35.
15 Modern sediments California Margin (ODP 167) Quaternary oxic-dysoxic Tada et al. (2000) Proc. ODP Sci. Res. 167, 277–296; Irino and Pedersen (2000) Proc. ODP Sci. Res. 167, 263–271.
16 Llanvirn-Llandeilo shales Aberystwyth Bay, Wales, UK Mid Ordovician dysoxic Lev (1994) M.S. Thesis, Univ. Cincinnati.
17 Excello Shale Kansas, USA (Edmonds) Mid Pennsylvanian euxinic Herrmann et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 109235.
18 Modern sediments Saanich Inlet, B.C., Canada Holocene dysoxic-euxinic François (1987) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. British Columbia.
19 Heather Fm North Sea Late Jurassic dysoxic Jones (1991) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne; Jones and Manning (1994) Chem. Geol. 111, 111–129.
20 Modern sediments Black Sea Holocene euxinic Lyons (1992) Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University.
21 Kennecott Point Fm British Columbia, Canada Triassic–Jurassic boundary dysoxic-euxinic Schoepfer et al. (2016) EPSL 451, 138–148.
22 Modern sediments Cariaco Basin, Venezuelan Shelf Holocene dysoxic-euxinic Lyons et al. (2003) Chem. Geol. 195(1), 131–157.
23 Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales Jiaoye, South China Ordovician-Silurian euxinic Shen et al. (2019) EPSL 511, 130–140.
24 Missourian Stage Kansas (Edmonds) Late Pennsylvanian oxic-dysoxic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Algeo et al. (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 259–288.
25 Modern sediments Black Sea (Stn 6) Holocene euxinic Lüschen (2004) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Oldenburg.
26 modern sediments Black Sea Holocene euxinic Brumsack (1989) Geol. Rundschau. 78(3), 851–882.
27 Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales Yanzhi, South China Ordovician-Silurian euxinic Shen et al. (2019) EPSL 511, 130–140.
28 Kimmeridge Fm North Sea Late Jurassic euxinic Jones (1991) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne; Jones and Manning (1994) Chem. Geol. 111, 111–129.
29 Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales Qiliao, South China Ordovician-Silurian euxinic Shen et al. (2019) EPSL 511, 130–140.
30 Three Lick Bed Kentucky, USA Late Devonian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
31 Lansing Fm New York, USA Mid Devonian euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Brett et al. (2011) Palaeo-3, 304(1-2), 21–53; DeSantis and Brett (2011) Palaeo-3, 304(1-2), 113–135.
32 Draupne Fm North Sea Late Jurassic euxinic Jones (1991) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne; Jones and Manning (1994) Chem. Geol. 111, 111–129.
33 Upper Huron Shale Kentucky, USA Late Devonian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
34 Middle Huron Shale Kentucky, USA Late Devonian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
35 modern sediments Cariaco Basin, Venezuelan Shelf Holocene dysoxic-euxinic Piper and Dean (2002) USGS Prof Pap 1670.
36 Cleveland Shale Ohio, USA (OHDW) Late Devonian euxinic Jaminski (1998) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cincinnati; Jaminski et al. (1998) in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 217–242.
37 Lower Huron Shale Kentucky, USA Late Devonian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
38 Excello Shale Iowa, USA (Logan) Mid Pennsylvanian euxinic Herrmann et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 109235.
39 Woodford Shale Oklahoma and Texas, USA Late Devonian euxinic Algeo and Tribovillard (2009) Chem. Geol. 268(3-4), 211–225.
40 Heebner Shale Kansas, USA (Heinen) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Turner et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 531, 109023.
41 Tacket Shale Oklahoma, USA (CTW-1) Late Pennsylvanian dysoxic-euxinic Algeo et al. (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 259–288; cf. Cruse and Lyons (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 319–345.
42 Sunbury Shale Ohio, USA (OHRS) Early Mississippian euxinic Jaminski (1998) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cincinnati; Jaminski et al. (1998) in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 217–242.
43 Cleveland Shale Ohio, USA (OHRS) Late Devonian euxinic Jaminski (1998) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cincinnati; Jaminski et al. (1998) in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 217–242.
44 Modern sediments Black Sea (Stn 7) Holocene euxinic Lüschen (2004) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Oldenburg.
45 Chattanooga Shale Tennessee, USA Late Devonian euxinic Over et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 524, 137–149; Song et al. (2020) GSA Bull., in review.
46 Hushpuckney Shale Kansas, USA (Womelsdorf) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Algeo et al. (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 259–288.
47 Stark Shale Kansas, USA (Womelsdorf) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Hatch and Leventhal (1992) Chem. Geol. 99(1-3), 65–82.
48 Cleveland Shale Kentucky, USA Late Devonian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
49 Heebner Shale Iowa, USA (Riverton) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Turner et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 531, 109023.
50 Cleveland Shale Kentucky, USA (KEP-3) Late Devonian euxinic Jaminski (1998) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cincinnati; Jaminski et al. (1998) in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 217–242.
51 Sunbury Shale Kentucky, USA (KEP-3) Early Mississippian euxinic Jaminski (1998) Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cincinnati; Jaminski et al. (1998) in Shales and Mudstones (J. Schieber et al., eds.), vol. 1, pp. 217–242.
52 Hushpuckney Shale Iowa, USA (Riverton) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Cruse and Lyons (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 319–345.
53 Sunbury Shale Kentucky, USA Early Mississippian euxinic Robl and Barron (1988) in Devonian of the World, vol. II, pp. 377–392.
54 Excello Shale Kansas, USA (Lafarge Quarry) Mid Pennsylvanian euxinic Herrmann et al. (2019) Palaeo-3, 109235.
55 Hushpuckney Shale Iowa, USA (Logan) Late Pennsylvanian euxinic Algeo (unpubl. data); cf. Algeo et al. (2004) Chem. Geol. 206(3-4), 259–288.

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