Fig. 1


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Geological setting. (a) Map of Alpine orogens of the western Mediterranean region showing the location of the study area (box). The blue trace represents the location of the regional section in b. (b) Simplified regional transect of the onshore eastern Provence fold belt (with study area) and the offshore passive margin of the Oligocene Liguro-Provençal Basin (adapted from Guieu and Roussel, 1990). (c) Geological map of the Beausset Syncline and the Inner Coastal Units of eastern Provence showing the location of Figure 2. Adapted from BRGM maps (Gouvernet et al., 1969).

Abbreviations: BT: Bandol Thrust; P: Pibernon Half-Klippe; BK: Beausset Klippe; TFZ: Toulon Fault Zone.

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