Fig. 5
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Field pictures of D2 folding and shearing. (A and B) F2 folding of migmatitic S1 and development of N30°E trending S2 foliation as axial surface or transposition layering. (C and D) Folding and shearing along the C2 and C’2 trend (NS and NW-SE). The folded and sheared foliation is a S1, S2 or C2 planar surface. In photograph 5C, the gneissic protolith was folded when the anatectic melt was present, and the melt also migrated along D2 shear zone that parallels the axial plane. In 5D, shearing parallel to the axial plane resulted in solid-state recrystallization. (E) Diatexite with a high proportion of leucocratic neosome with metamafic layers showing D2 folding and sinistral shearing along a N120°E trending C’2 syn-melt shear zone. (F) Schollen diatexite with meter scale metamafic enclaves stretched along N-S direction (C2) and shearing by a NW-SE trending C’2 infilled by melt. Location of outcrop photographs is given in Figure 2.
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