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Fig. 6


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Field pictures of D2 deformation synchronous with partial melting. (A) Sigmoidal quartz-rich resistor within D2 metatexite indicating sinistral shearing along C2 directed migmatitic foliation. (B) Oblate metamafic enclave observed in the XY-section within a stromatic diatexite. (C) Conjugate melt-bearing dextral and sinistral shear bands within heterogeneous diatexite. Main foliation is subvertical and trends ca. N170°E. (D) Schollen diatexite migmatite developed from a hornblende-bearing volcano-sedimentary protolith. (E) Close-up on Figure 6D showing the dioritic to tonalitic composition of the leucoratic material containing various proportions of hornblende, some pyroxenes are also observed. The pen points to a garnet + hornblende rich schlieren. (F) Metatexite migmatite showing two sets of late cordierite-bearing leucosome, one set parallels the main foliation trends (~ N15°E, i.e., C2) and the other one is oblique to the foliation, and oriented ~ N135°E (C’2).

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