Open Access

Table 1

San Andrés population density evolution since 1793.

Year Inhabitants Population density (inhabitants/km2)
1793 393 15.12
1835 644 24.77
1843 731 28.12
1851 1285 49.42
1870 No data No data
1912 3124 120.15
1918 3653 140.5
1938 4261 163.88
1951 3705 142.5
1964 14 413 554.35
1973 20 359 783.04
1985 32 861 1263.88
1993 56 361 2167.73
1999 64 801 2492.35
2005 68 283 2626.27
2010 68 334 2628.23
2018 78 817 3031.42
2020 80 000* 3076.92

* Estimated value, all other data from Meisel Roca (2003) and DANE (2018).

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