Open Access


Facies classification of the Butte Iouton limestones: biological contents, sedimentary and diagenetic features, and their paleoenvironmental interpretations.

  Facies Dominant biota Sedimentary structures Stratal pattern Diagenetic features Paleoenvironmental interpretation
F1A Oolitic-peloidal grainstone Gastropods: Melanopsis, Tarebia, Neritina Seldom visible cross-stratifications. Good sorting (unimodal) to bimodal distribution Massive, can form up to 2–3 metres thick units with peloidal rich grainstones (F1B) – Micritization of shells and ooids cortices
– Intragranular microporosity development
– Microrhombic micrite overgrowths
– Minor compaction features at grain contact
Moderate to high energy, shallow, oligo-mesohaline, perennial lake environments, at the vicinity of oolitic shoals
F1B Peloidal grainstone Gastropods: Melanopsis, Tarebia, Neritina Seldom visible cross-stratifications. Bimodal distribution of the grains Massive, can form up to 2–3 metres thick units with oolitic-rich grainstones (F1A) – Micritization of shells and ooids cortices
– Intragranular microporosity development
– Minor compaction features at grain contact
Moderate energy, shallow, oligo-mesohaline, perennial lake environments, in backshoal setting
F1C Oncoidal-ooidal-peloidal grainstone Scarce gastropods Gravel lenses of coarse-sized grains Centimetre-thick strata – Micritization of shells and ooids cortices
– Intragranular microporosity development
– Minor compaction features at grain contact
Moderate to high energy, shallow, oligo-mesohaline, perennial lake environments
F2A Mollusk-rich peloidal packstone-grainstone Bivalves (Polymesoda), gastropods (Hydrobids, Tarebia), ostracods, scarce charophytes Structureless Few centimetres to decimetre tabular beds – Microsparry and sparry calcite cements
– Dissolution of molluscan shells
Shallow, oligo-mesohaline lake with low to moderate water energy
F2B Characean-rich peloidal wackestone-packstone Characean gyrogonites and stems, ostracods, mollusks (Polymesoda, Tarebia, hydrobids) Structureless Centimeter-thick tabular to nearly horizontal beds forming up to 4 m thick set of platelets limestones – Dissolution of aragonitic shells
– Microsparry to sparry calcite cements in molds
Shallow, perennial oligo-mesohaline lake with Characean meadows
F2C Peloidal wackestone to packstone with calcitic rafts Bivalves (Polymesoda), gastropods (Tarebia) Structureless Decimetre tabular beds – Dissolution of aragonitic shells Shallow, perennial oligo-mesohaline lake, within or at vicinity of unpreserved macrophyte meadows
F2D Molluscan-ostracodal wackestone Ostracods, gastropods (Lymnaea, Viviparus, Planorbis, Tarebia) Inhomogeneous micrite, burrowing and bioturbation Decimetre tabular beds to metre beds – Dissolution of aragonitic shells Low energy, shallow freshwater to oligohaline pools and sheltered areas of the lake margin
F3 Planar-laminated bindstone Characean gyrogonites and stems, ostracods, gastropods (mainly Melanopsis) Alternation of subhorizontal to wavy and crinkled millimeter-thick micritic and microsparitic laminae Up to 2 m-thick intervals of massive to platy limestones – Dissolution of aragonitic shells
– Microsparry to sparry calcite cements in molds
Low energy, very shallow freshwater to oligohaline lake margin
F4 Carbonate breccia with pseudomorphs after gypsum No preserved biota Structureless Decimetre thick tightly cemented and irregularly bedded limestone. Gradual transition with underlying oolitic grainstone – Circumgranular cracks
– Dissolution vug and conduits formations
– Root traces
– Intrasediment growth of microlenticular gypsum
– Calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum
– Sparry calcite cements
Paleosoil in evaporitic setting

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