Fig. 1

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A: Northwestern Mediterranean region map focusing the studied area; B: Location map of the Miocene-Pliocene series of Ouled Slama and Sidi Brahim Telegraph, southern slope of the Dahra Massif (google map); boxes show the location of geological maps (Fig. 2). Studied and correlated sections with UTM coordinates: SB = Sidi Brahim Telegraph (Zone 31S: 3987031 E, 272327 E); AZ = Azaïzia (Zone 31S: 3990911 N, 285525 E); TR = Tarhia (Zone 31S: 3991563 N, 291432 E); HT = Hgaf Tamda (Zone 31S: 3995721 N, 308899 E); AB = Djebel El Abiod (Zone 31S: 3995798 N, 309644 E).
A : Carte de la région méditerranéenne nord-occidentale, montrant la zone étudiée ; B : Carte de localisation des séries miocènes-pliocènes des Ouled Slama et du Télégraphe de Sidi Brahim.
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