Fig. 4


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Geological section of Djebel El Abiod (Dahra). − Illustrated lithology and paleontological contents from the base to the top: Gypsum (1); Variegated (varved) clay (2); Green clay (3); Sandy clay (4); Sandstone (5); Conglomerate (6) ; Ruby clay (7); Green marl (8) ; Microconglomerate (9) ; Coralliferous white marly limestone (10) ; Gray marls (11) ; Plane stratification (12); Oblic stratification (13) ; Cross bedding (14); Hummocky cross stratification (15) ; Dis = discontinuity; HG = Hardground; Dcs = Double corrugated surface; Fs = Ferruginous surface. a: Djebel El Abiod geological section. b: Panoramic view of the upper section of the grey marls with three sandy marl fossiliferous bars (B1, B2, B3). b1: Broken shell test (B2), top right (B3): Mollusk test (Amussium?), at the bottom right (B3): broken shells (Pectenidae, Amussium? among others). b2: internal cast of Veneridae (B3). c, c1: Scleratinian coral (cf. Cladocora cf. caespitosa). c2: Dendrophyllia. sp. and details. d: bottom view of the coralliferous white marly limestone (CWML = Unit V) showing M/Z = Messinian-Zanclean boundary. d1, d2: Detail of intermediate conglomerate between the CWML Unit V and SM2 Unit IVd (see S1) corresponding to a double corrugated surface (dcs); base of Zanclean CWML indicated by M/Z. e: Boundary between variegated clays (VCII) and sandy marls (SM1); sedimentary discontinuity (facies change); with a slight angle angular. e1: The upper sandy marls (SM2) and the CWML bottom indicating the Messinian-Zanclean boundary (M/Z); intermediate conglomerate, pebbles and yellow sandy marls. f: Sandy marls and sandstone (Unit III) showing (details) hummocky cross stratification. f1, f2: Hummocky cross stratification (HCS). f3: Panorama showing post-hardground (HG) sedimentation: green marls (GrM), ruby clay (RC), variegated clays II (VCII) and Corlliferous white marly limestone (CWML). f4: waped structure of the Hardground, VCII. f5, f6: HG surface showing conglomerates with calcareous matrix (f6) or partially eroded iron crust. g: Panoramic view of the lower section showing the disposition of stratigraphic units (gypsum, VCI; Variegated clays I, SMS alternation: Sandy marls and Sanstones, HG: Hardground, VCII: Variegated clys II, CWML: Coralliferous white marly sandstone, GM: Grey marls, and BCS: Biodetrital calcareous sandstone). g1: variegated clays I, and details, (VCI).

Coupe de Djebel El Abiod.

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