Fig. 5


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Geological section of Hgaf Tamda (Dahra). − Lithostratigraphic succession. 1: Gypsum; 2: Green sandy marls; 3: Conglomerates, 4: Variegated clays (varves); 5: Green (sandy) marls; 6: Coralliferous white marly limestone; 7: Grey marl; 8: Sandstone; S = Sandstone; GSC = Green sandy clay; GM = Green marls; LM = Lago Mare; CWML = Coralliferous white marly limestone; GrM = Grey marls; VCII = Variegated Clay II. a: Log showing lithostratigraphic succession. b: Bundary between coralliferous white marly limestone and green marls, position of the variegated clay II (VCII). b1: Panoramic view of coralliferous white marly limestone. b2: Coral facies (coral colony). b3: Facies of solitary corals in marly limestone. b4: Ostreid shell concentrations. b5: Megerlia truncata (Mt) concentration. c: View showing in the lower left : Messinian-Zanclean boundary (green marls − coralliferous white marly limestone: GM/CWML); in upper right: grey marls (GrM) and sandstone fossiliferous bars (S) of Zanclean age. c1: Knee fold in the green marls (GM). c2: Blue and yellow horizons at the uppermost Zanclean (grey marls). c3: Grey marls (GrM) evolving into fossiliferous sandstone bars (S) constituting a syncline structure. c4: Details in the sandstone bar macrofauna (red circles: Terebratula sp.). d: Panoramic view the Hgaf Tamda syncline in the foreground, red lines and arrows indicate fault structures and movement direction of the compartments ; the background shows the transect of the Djebel El Abiod section. e: Panoramic view of the lower part (bottom) of the Hgaf Tamda section on the RN90: gypsum crowned by detrital sedimentation (sandstone, green sandy clays, sandy marls evolving to conglomerates, microconglomerates and sandstones alternation). e1: Detail: transition from sandstone to heterogeneous conglomerates. e2: Detail: transition of conglomerates to channeled sandstone.

Coupe du Hgaf Tamda.

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