Fig. 7

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Geological succession of the Sidi Brahim Telegraph section. Lithostratigraphic succession: 1: Gypsum; 2: Calcareous gypsum; 3: Sandy marls; 4: Blue (Whitish) marls; 5: Blue marls; 6: Sandstone; 7: Grey sandy marls. a: Lithology, samples and paleontological indications of the SBT geological section; b: Panoramic view showing the lithologic succession of the upper blue (whitish) marls (Zanclean) to the sandy marls and sandstone alternation (Piacenzian); b1: 1st and 2nd Sandstone bars (SB); c and c1: Scleractinian corals (Ceratotrochus (Edwardsotrochus) pentaradiatus); c2 and c3: Sandstone fossil concentration. c4 and c5: Ostreid shells of Hyotissa hyotis, fragments of Pectinids, colony of Balanus sp.; d and d1: Anadara diluvii shells. d and d3 (a,b): test of Dentalia sp. d4: Veneridae (Pelecyora sp.); d5: Turritella sp. Note that fossils of figures c, c1, d, d1, d2, d3, d4 and d5 are of Zanclean age. e and e1: Blue (whitsh) marls with dentals. e2: Panoramic view of the Blue (whitish) Zanclean marls: see gravity deposit (g: gypsum blocks), SE dip of the marl levels; f: Fault plane on marl sediments: see Blue (whitish) marl trails (white arrows) indicating fault plane pit; f1: Red lines indicate the plane of the sandy marl (sm) banks, broken line indicates hypothetic fault; g: Latest Messinian deposits (diatomite and marl alternation, gypsum); g1: Panoramic view showing the lower part of the Pliocene blue (whitish) marls.
Coupe du Télégraphe de Sidi Brahim.
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