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Fig. 5


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Simplified geological and geomorphological map of the study area (location in Figure 3), synthesised from BRGM 1/50000 map of Le Caylar (Alabouvette et al., 1988), with speleological networks projected vertically on the surface in red, compiled from the Larzac Explo Celadon database (Larzac Explo Celadon, 2023). The locations of cross-sections are indicated by white dotted lines on the map. Cross-section A reveals the plateau as a monoclinal ramp gently dipping to the North. Cross-section B highlights the pinch-out of the seal unit eastwards, resulting in a non-depositional gap near St-Pierre-de-la-Fage. Consequently, to the east, the aquifer is continuous, whereas to the west, the upper and lower aquifers are separated by a marly seal unit.

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