BSGF - Earth Sci. Bull.
Volume 195, 2024
Special Issue Some applications of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology: A tribute to Jean Louis Paquette
Article Number 18
Number of page(s) 15
Published online 07 October 2024

Supplementary material

Figure S1. A: BSE imaging of the location of M11-13 and M11-10 monazite grains located in garnet. B: BSE imaging of M11-13 monazite grain with location of the specimen for atom probe. C: BSE imaging of M11-10 monazite grain with location of the specimen for atom probe.

Figure S2. BSE imaging of monazite grains located in quartz (a, b) and in coronitic texture (c, d). Monazite grain located in quartz is subeuhedral and shows internal contrast variations forming a core-rim texture and contains bright and dark spots. Darker domains corresponding to recrystallized domains are present at the border of the grain. Monazite grain located in coronitic texture is anhedral and shows heterogeneous internal contrast variations with recrystallized domains at the border or near to silicate inclusion.

Figure S3. STEM-ADF images of FIB3 in M6 monazite grain located in coronitic texture (A) and FIB1a in M13 monazite grain located in quartz (B) showing nanophase filled with low-density element (dark rounded). Rounded micrometer-scale features on figure B is the holey carbon grid where FIB foil was deposited.

Figure S4. STEM-ADF image and EDS chemical map obtained with TEM on nanophase observed in FIB1a in M13 monazite grain located in quartz. Scale bars = 100 nm.

Table S1. Details on instrumentation, software, acquisition conditions, acquisition results and reconstruction parameters for APT analyses.

Table S2. Detailed results of SIMS analyses on monazite. The italic line corresponds to the excluded analysis.

Table S3. Atom probe 208Pb/232Th dates obtained in monazite hosted in quartz and garnet. Dates have been calculated for each specimen in a homogeneous volume of ~ 0.0005 µm3.

Table S4. 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages calculated in zircon from LA-ICP-MS analyses.

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© M.J. Turuani et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2024

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