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A Petro‐Physical Model for Serpentinized Mantle and Origin of Natural Hydrogen in the Pyrenees

Sepideh Pajang, Frédéric Mouthereau, Alexandra Robert, Ajay Kumar and Jean‐Paul Callot
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 26 (1) (2025)

Detachment Faulting and Mantle Exhumation Beneath an Allochthonous Carbonate Cover: Insights From the Gouffre Georges (Lherz Massif, Pyrenees, France)

Riccardo Asti, Nicolas Saspiturry, Michel de Saint‐Blanquat, Patrick Sorriaux and Eric C. Ferré
Tectonics 44 (1) (2025)

Subsurface anatomy of the Irazú–Turrialba volcanic complex, inferred from the integration of local and ambient seismic tomographic methods

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Geophysical Journal International 237 (2) 679 (2024)

Geologically constrained geometry inversion and null-space navigation to explore alternative geological scenarios: a case study in the Western Pyrenees

Jérémie Giraud, Mary Ford, Guillaume Caumon, Vitaliy Ogarko, Lachlan Grose, Roland Martin and Paul Cupillard
Geophysical Journal International 239 (3) 1359 (2024)

Analysing 50 yr of the Lacq induced seismicity (Southwestern, France) highlights the role of fluid injection

L Jacquemond, J Letort, F Cotton, M Causse, J R Grasso, G Senechal, J B Ammirati, B Derode, F Grimaud, H Pauchet, S Benhamed and M Sylvander
Geophysical Journal International 238 (1) 214 (2024)

Characterizing Natural Hydrogen Occurrences in the Paris Basin From Historical Drilling Records

Nicolas Lefeuvre, Eric Thomas, Laurent Truche, Frédéric‐Victor Donzé, Thibault Cros, Johann Dupuy, Laura Pinzon‐Rincon and Christophe Rigollet
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25 (5) (2024)

Serpentinization and Magmatic Distribution in a Hyperextended Rift Suture: Implication for Natural Hydrogen Exploration (Mauléon Basin, Pyrenees)

N. Saspiturry, C. Allanic and A. Peyrefitte
Tectonics 43 (8) (2024)

Crustal imaging and characterization of active faults with a large-N nodal deployment - Application to the Chaînons Béarnais region (western Pyrenees foothills, France)

Sébastien Chevrot, Matthieu Sylvander, Nicolas Saspiturry, Amine Ourabah, Sébastien Benahmed, Benoît Derode, Frank Grimaud, Jean Letort, Hélène Pauchet, Guy Sénéchal, Antonio Villaseñor and Jean-Baptiste Ammirati
Tectonophysics 892 230531 (2024)

Spatiotemporal Behavior of an Extremely Small Seismic Swarm in Pyrenean Foreland, France

Matthieu Sylvander, Sébastien Chevrot, Jean-Baptiste Ammirati, Sylvain Calassou, Magali Collin, Jordi Diaz, Nikos Martakis, Katerina Polychronopoulou and Antonio Villaseñor
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 113 (5) 2041 (2023)

Transdimensional ambient-noise surface wave tomography of the Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland

Amin Rahimi Dalkhani, Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Egill Árni Gudnason, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Xin Zhang and Cornelis Weemstra
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Inhomogeneous rift inversion and the evolution of the Pyrenees

Antonio Pedrera, Jesús García-Senz, Emilio L. Pueyo, Berta López-Mir, Roi Silva-Casal and Juan Díaz-Alvarado
Earth-Science Reviews 245 104555 (2023)

Ambient noise tomography of the Aegean region of Türkiye from Rayleigh wave group velocity

Emre Mulumulu, Orhan Polat and Francisco J. Chávez-García
Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023)

Upper lithospheric transfer zones driving the non-cylindricity of the West-Pyrenean orogenic prism (Mauléon hyperextended basin)

Nicolas Saspiturry, Cécile Allanic, Olivier Serrano, et al.
Journal of Structural Geology 156 104535 (2022)

Passive imaging of collisional orogens: a review of a decade of geophysical studies in the Pyrénées

Sébastien Chevrot, Matthieu Sylvander, Antonio Villaseñor, et al.
BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 193 1 (2022)

Evolution of a low convergence collisional orogen: a review of Pyrenean orogenesis

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BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 193 19 (2022)

On the Utility of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios of Ambient Noise in Joint Inversion with Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curves for the Large-N Maupasacq Experiment

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Geodynamic evolution of a wide plate boundary in the Western Mediterranean, near-fieldversusfar-field interactions

Laurent Jolivet, Thierry Baudin, Sylvain Calassou, et al.
BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 48 (2021)

The role of inheritance in forming rifts and rifted margins and building collisional orogens: a Biscay-Pyrenean perspective

Gianreto Manatschal, Pauline Chenin, Rodolphe Lescoutre, et al.
BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 55 (2021)