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Location and polarity of Variscan sutures based on petrological and seismological data from the Bohemian Massif and the implications for the European Variscides
Protracted magmatism and crust–mantle interaction during continental collision: insights from the Variscan granitoids of the external western Alps
Kévin Fréville, Jean-Baptiste Jacob, Jonas Vanardois, Pierre Trap, Jérémie Melleton, Michel Faure, Stéphane Guillot, Emilie Janots, Olivier Bruguier, Marc Poujol, Philippe Lach and Sidonie Révillon International Journal of Earth Sciences 113(5) 1165 (2024)
Metamorphic Remnants of the Variscan Orogeny across the Alps and Their Tectonic Significance
Manuel Roda, Maria Iole Spalla, Marco Filippi, Jean-Marc Lardeaux, Gisella Rebay, Alessandro Regorda, Davide Zanoni, Michele Zucali and Guido Gosso Geosciences 13(10) 300 (2023)