Fig. 12

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Line drawings of the carapaces of the thylacocephalan genera from the Late Cretaceous Konservat-Lagerstätten of Lebanon (front part to the left). A. Paradollocaris Charbonnier nov. gen. B. Thylacocaris Audo and Charbonnier nov. gen. C. Globulocaris Teruzzi and Charbonnier nov. gen. D. Hamaticaris Charbonnier nov. gen. E. Keelicaris Teruzzi and Charbonnier nov. gen. F. Thylacocephalus Lange et al., 2001. F. Protozoea Dames, 1886. G. Pseuderichtus Dames, 1886. Line drawings: S. Charbonnier.
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