Fig. 2

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Paradollocaris vannieri Charbonnier nov. gen, nov. sp. from the Cenomanian of Hadjoula, Lebanon. A-F. holotype MNHN.F.A57231 showing carapace with preserved soft-parts, right lateral view: cross-polarized light (A), line drawing of carapace (B), green-orange fluorescence (C), interpretative line drawing of soft-parts (D); same as C, desaturated (E), or step wise desaturated (F). G. Paratype MNHN.F.A57232, carapace, right lateral view, cross-polarized light. H. Paratype MNHN.F.A57233, specimen showing the bivalved carapace, left lateral view, green-orange fluorescence desaturated. I. Paratype MNHN.F.A58238, carapace showing ornamentation composed of punctuations, right lateral view, cross-polarized light. J. Paratype MNHN.F.A57237, fragment of carapace showing posterior part of dorsal carina, right lateral view, green-orange fluorescence desaturated. Abbreviations: avp = antero-ventral process, dc = dorsal carina, dm = dorsal margin, gi = lamellate gills, ms = muscle scar, on = optical notch, pn = posterior notch, pu = punctuation, pds = postero-dorsal spine, pvs = postero-ventral spine, r = rostrum, tl = paddle-like limbs or trunk limbs, ts = trunk somites, vm = ventral margin. Scale bars: 5 mm. Line drawings: S. Charbonnier. Photographs: D. Audo (A, G, I) and J. Haug (C, E, F, H, J).
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