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Fig. 11


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(a) Schematic 3D model of the Lys-Caillaouas massif. Compiled from maps and cross-sections of Clin et al. (1986, 1989), Kriegsman et al. (1989), Hilario-Orús (2004) and the present work (see Figure 3a for kinematic information in map view). Alpine cleavage along the Esera-Gistain fault, which reactivates the shear zone, is omitted. (b) Normal-dextral C/S structures observed in the diorite along the southern boundary shear zone, indicating top-to-the ESE shear sense (the foliation dips ca. 40° to the South). (c) Plane view of C' shear bands in sillimanite micaschists against the deformed plutonic rocks (sinistral sense of shear). Thin-sections are cut in XZ planes of the deformation ellipsoid. Mineral abbreviations from Kretz (1983).

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